For volume growth CARDS,. Cards work only with UTED .

11 Nov 2022, 17:35
For volume growth CARDS, Cards work only with UTED ... Means, everyone who has BTC or USDT need to swap their asset to UTED before you can use the card,. Advantage of our card is Many regions what is not available for most of providers. We can market in USA, any of the Latin- American countries etc some in Asia and Africa as well. In many of the places we are first. Since Loading card means you BUY UTED and using is SELL UTED and All transactions of will also be trades then. with 100k members 1 load 6 spends per day we get 600k transactions 600k per 24h is about 7 Transactions per seconds (buy and sell) only from the card usage. Every card has also monthly fee what can be paid only in UTED. 4-5 usd per month. TX fee is not certain yet but will be around 1-2% based on how many cards we are able to share out ( bigger amount, lower fees)